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AEW Dynamite Results for December 1, 2021


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was held live from the Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Tony Schiavone and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

AEW World Champion “Hangman” Adam Page was filling in for Jim Ross. Keep fightin’, J.R.!

Earlier today, Tony Khan announced that on the December 15th edition of DYNAMITE (#WinterIsComing), it’ll be champ “Hangman” Adam Page vs. “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson for the AEW World Championship!

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Dark Order’s Alan “5” Angels!

Angels turned things around on Danielson and the southpaw fired in some heavy hands in the corner. Danielson fired back with an uppercut. Angels was kicking at Bryan’s legs from down on the mat. Danielson charged at Angels in the turnbuckles and there was a chorus of boos directed at him from the hot Atlanta crowd.

Angels grabbed Bryan with a backslide for a near fall. Danielson got up with a butterfly suplex and an armbar on Angels but Angels got the rope break. Angels wasted no time and took down Danielson with a tope suicida and then a moonsault off the turnbuckles to the outside. He caught Danielson with a Spanish Fly for a near fall.

Angels attempted a moonsault press but Bryan Danielson moved out of the way. He grabbed Angels’ arms, looked over at Adam Page, and began stomping on the head of Alan Angels. Danielson looked on the knee bar and Angels tapped!

“Next week, I hear there’s a Dark Order member from Long Island, and I’m gonna stomp his head in too. And in two weeks at Winter is Coming, that’s where I take your title ‘Hangman’ Page. That’s where I show the world it’s not ‘Cowboy S—t’, it’s ‘coward s—t’!” said Danielson.

“Hangman” Adam Page heard enough from Danielson. Page got up from the broadcast booth and wanted to jump into the ring, but Dark Order’s John Silver stopped him. Earlier in the day, Tony Khan said that Page couldn’t touch Danielson before Winter is Coming. Danielson taunted “Hangman” before Danielson walked away.

A vignette aired of “The Redeemer” Miro! “My God…the line has been drawn. I was looking for love but now I only have fear. The second one I will embrace. This is the word of the Redeemer!”

Up next: “The Best in the World” CM Punk vs. Lee Moriarty!

“Punk is undefeated since his arrival here in AEW,” noted Tony Schiavone.

As CM Punk was entering the ring, MJF’s music played and MJF sat at the broadcast booth next to Schiavone and Excalibur.

Lee and Punk shook hands at the beginning of the match as a sign of mutual respect.

Moriarty rolled up Punk with a crucifix but Punk escaped. Moriarty took down Punk with a deep arm drag. Punk got up on his feet and rammed his shoulder into Lee’s midsection. Punk delivered a diving lariat on Lee!

Moriarty clotheslined Punk and smashed him with a European uppercut in the corner. He followed up with a flurry of offense on Punk!

“Lee Moriarty is having a hell of a match. This is his moment. Hell, he could win this thing,” said Schiavone.

Punk connected with a crossbody press from the top rope but Lee rolled through, transitioning into a cross face submission. Punk escaped and took Lee off the top rope with a hurracanrana. Lee managed to roll Punk up but Punk kicked out. Punk rocked Moriarty with a roundhouse kick! Moriarty rallied back with a running boot and then a DDT to Punk! CM Punk narrowly escaped the pin.

Punk hoisted up Lee Moriarty and nailed him with a wicked GTS for the victory!

MJF got up with a microphone: “Cut his music. PG Punk. Good to see ya. Last week you said you were disappointed in me. That’s interesting because I’m proud of you. It takes a lot of balls to call yourself the best in the world when you’re struggling to beat QT Marshall and Lee Moriarty. These days you’re more interesting in getting in the pants of Britt Baker. You’re not CM Punk. You’re One Pump Chump!”

CM Punk: “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming out here talking about pants when you’re clearly wearing Larry David’s pajamas. QT Marshall and Lee Moriarty are both better than you and you know it. You shut up. I’ll shut up. Get in the ring right now and I’ll kick your ass all the way back to Long Island.”

MJF: “You need me more than I need you, CM Punk. But don’t you worry because I’m going to show you what a real professional looks like next week when I win the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal in Long Island. I’m going to be better than Piper in Portland. I’m going to be better than Bret in Canada. I’m going to be better than CM Punk in Chicago. Laugh all you want. Because I’m going to be among people chanting my name at the top of their lungs.

“Speaking of loud noises. You must have brought your dog Larry because I heard him yapping in the back. If you bring your dog back here again, I’m going to put Larry to sleep!”

CM Punk jumped out of the ring and approached MJF but Wardlow came out to defend MJF. Wardlow and MJF walked off.

Backstage, AEW Women’s Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. told Tony Schiavone that next week Jamie Hayter would be facing Riho!

Adam Cole #BayBay joined the broadcast booth next!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy’s music played. He walked out onto the ramp and had a stare down with Adam Cole!

Orange put his hands in his pockets. The Young Bucks were about to superkick Orange from behind but Cassidy saw them and turned around. As the Bucks distracted Orange, Adam Cole connected with a low blow on Orange! The Bucks superkicked Orange Cassidy! Orange was almost the victim of a Super BTE Trigger until Wheeler Yuta and Chuck Taylor came out to even up the odds. The Bucks and Cole ran off!

The Pinnacle’s “Mr. Mayhem” Wardlow (with Shawn Spears) vs. AC Adams!

Wardlow blasted Adams with a massive clothesline! Wardlow power bombed Adams! Wardlow delivered a second power bomb! Wardlow dropped Adams with two more power bombs and pinned Adams!

After Wardlow did all the damage, Shawn Spears drilled Adams with his steel chair!

The Gunn Club—Billy & Colten (with Austin) vs. Sting & Darby Allin!

This was Sting’s first match in Atlanta in 14 years! And it began to snow in Atlanta when Sting made his way out!

“Big fight feel for this,” said Excalibur.

Powerhouse Hobbs, Hook, and Taz joined the commentary team for this match.

Darby and Colten locked up. Colten got a side headlock on Darby. He followed up with a shoulder tackle on Darby. He blocked an arm drag attack from Darby but Darby followed up with a shotgun dropkick!

Billy and Sting both tagged in for their respective teams. Sting took the fight right to Billy Gunn with backfists and then a Manhattan Drop! Sting was going for the big Stinger Splash but Billy rolled out of the ring to avoid Sting.

Billy pushed Colten into the ring and right into the hands of Sting. Darby tagged in and went for the Coffin Splash. Billy grabbed a blind tag, caught Darby and pancaked him! Darby Allin suffered a laceration on the top of his head.

Darby made the tag to Sting! Sting cleaned house on Billy and Colten with Stinger Splashes! Sting smashed Colten with a spinebuster! Sting put the Scorpion Death lock on Colten but Austin made the save! Darby rocketed out of the ring like a human cannonball onto Austin Gunn and then nailed Billy Gunn with one! It was a spectacular sight to behold! Darby is fearless! And then Sting planted Colten with the Scorpion Death drop and pinned him!

“The Gunn Club’s undefeated streak is over,” said Excalibur.

Le Champion Chris Jericho was backstage with Alex Marvez.

Jericho said he wasn’t out last week to help Eddie Kingston, but instead he was out there to take out 2point0! As Jericho was talking, 2point0 and Daniel Garcia ambushed him with a steel chair!

Jericho had to receive medical attention after the attack.

“The Man of The Hour” Lio Rush came out on the ramp!

Rush: “Taz, you’re a commentator. It’s literally your job to know me. And you should know I’ve had the odds stacked against me my whole life. Listen man, I’m a fighter. Deep down, you know that I’m a fighter. Hell, these people know that I’m a fighter. So you better believe me when I say I won’t be going down without a fight in the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal.”

Taz laughed as Dante Martin and then Ricky Starks got in Rush’s face.

TBS Women’s Title Tournament Quarter-Final Match!

“The Galaxy’s Greatest Alien” Kris Statlander vs. Ruby Soho

The winner faces “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose in the Semi-Finals.

Kris tried for a tilt-a-whirl but Ruby countered with a backslide attempt. Ruby thought about a closed fist but pulled back at the last moment, showing respect for her opponent. Ruby rolled up Statlander and Statlander escaped. Statlander was about to kick Ruby but pulled back, showing that same respect for her opponent.

Ruby brought down Statlander with a deep arm drag and followed up with a flatliner for a near fall! Ruby splashed Statlander with a senton off the top rope! Ruby tried for a bulldog but Statlander countered with Blue Thunder Bomb!

Statlander applied the Spider Crab and then buckle bombed Ruby! Statlander connected with a running elbow strike. Ruby fired back with a thrust kick! Ruby impaled Kris with a poison rana for a near fall!

“That was insane! I can’t figure out how Statlander kicked out of that poison rana,” said Taz.

Statlander blocked the No Future kick from Ruby. Ruby advanced after rolling up Statlander out of nowhere for the pin!

They hugged one another after the match.

“Ruby Soho finds herself one step closer to being crowned the inaugural TBS Champion,” said Excalibur.

As Kris was leaving the ring, Vickie Guerrero got in her face. Nyla Rose jumped into the ring and blindsided Ruby Soho!

Atlanta Street Fight!

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (with “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson) vs. Andrade El Idolo (with Jose the Assistant)!

Andrade El Idolo attacked Cody as Cody was making his entrance! Jose hit Arn with a cheap shot too!

Cody and Andrade brawled through the arena! Cody took out Andrade after doing a dive off a barricade. Andrade turned the metal ring steps over and then dropped Cody on the corner of them! Cody walloped Andrade with a steel chair!

Cody powerslammed Andrade. Cody removed his weight belt and looked at the fans, trying to draw from their energy. As Cody had his back turned, Andrade used a low blow on Cody. Andrade smacked Cody with his weight belt and then threw it out into the crowd. Andrade pulled a laptop out of Jose’s leather briefcase and clocked Cody with it!

Andrade pulled a chain out from under the ring and tossed it into the ring. He swung the chain at Cody but Cody ducked it.

The fans chanted “We want tables!”

Andrade dumped Cody with a fireman’s takeover. Andrade crushed Cody’s chest with a split legged moonsault onto a steel chair!

“Cody can’t withstand much more of this,” said Excalibur.

Cody kicked Andrade between the legs.

“It’s all legal here in this street fight,” said Excalibur.

Cody was about to spring off the ropes for the Cody Cutter when Andrade kicked him, sending Cody spilling outside the ring! Arn was connecting with stiff shots onto Jose up on the ramp!

Cody Rhodes grabbed the steel chain and walloped Andrade with it. Cody powerslammed Andrade El Idolo.

“This is not your typical pro wrestling match. This is an Atlanta Street Fight,” said Excalibur.

Cody attempted a tope suicida but Andrade countered by smacking Cody in the head with a steel chair! Andrade removed the padding from the ringside area. Cody back dropped Andrade onto the exposed concrete! Cody was busted open by this point. Cody pulled a golden shovel out from under the ring. Jose came charging down to the ring with a taser but Cody fended him off with the shovel!

Andrade placed a steel chair over Cody’s face and then charged at him with double knees! Cody’s face was a crimson mask!

Andrade pulled a table out from underneath the ring! Andrade pushed the table into the ring and rested it on the turnbuckles. Andrade hip tossed Cody through the table!

Andrade El Idolo pulled another table out from under the ring. Andrade placed Cody on the table and climbed to the top turnbuckle. Cody was playing possum and met Andrade on the top turnbuckle. Andrade headbutted Cody off the turnbuckles. Cody jumped back up to the top.

In the meantime, someone in an AEW hoodie jumped into the ring—it was Brandi Rhodes! She put lighter fluid all over the table and then lit the table on fire! Cody flipped backwards with a reverse suplex and smashed Andrade through the flaming table and pinned him! Cody and Brandi kissed after the match.

Don’t miss AEW RAMPAGE this Friday on TNT featuring:

-PAC & Penta El Zero Miedo vs. AAA Tag Team Champions FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood!

-TNT Champion Sammy Guevara vs. Tony Neese!

-Jade Cargill in action!

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday to AEW DYNAMITE live on TNT from the UBS Arena in Elmont, NY (Long Island)!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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